Category Archives: Hilary M. McKanna

Vivian McDonald becomes a teacher 1923!

In this post, I am going to go back in time just a little before Vivian married Hilary McKanna in the summer of 1923.-1924. Vivian was the older sister to Keith, Gordon, Miriam, Eddie and Jean.  She finished up her … Continue reading

Posted in Cheney, Eddie L. McDonald & her Collection of Junk, Gordon McDonald, Hilary M. McKanna, Jean McDonald Davis, Keith B. MacDonald, Miriam McDonald, Vivian McDonald McKanna, Washington State | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Hilary’s brother and wife: Bob and Theo McKanna

Bob and Theo McKanna took up residence in Seward, Alaska and made that their home.  Hilary had made Spokane his home but returned during the 1920’s-30’s to work for his brother. The following photographs of Bob and Theo were in … Continue reading

Posted in Alaska, Hilary M. McKanna, Keith B. MacDonald, Seward, Spokane County, Vivian McDonald McKanna, Washington State | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

The McKannas and life in Alaska

Here are some wonderful photographs of Alaska taken in the 1920’s and 1930’s.  They were among my Aunt Vivian’s photographs. Apparently Hilary McKanna returned to Alaska to work for his brother Bob, who lived in Seward, during the depression.  I … Continue reading

Posted in Alaska, Hilary M. McKanna, Vivian McDonald McKanna | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Hilary’s Early Life!

Here are some photographs of Hilary McKanna, my Aunt Vivian’s husband, taken in his younger years, probably taken in Alaska: Hilary with another boy that might be one of his brothers? In this following photograph we see Hilary in a happy … Continue reading

Posted in Alaska, Angus McDonald & Louisa Jane Hanson, Douglas, Helena Mary McDonald & Claude Penglase, Hilary M. McKanna, McKanna Surname, Penglase Surname, Vivian McDonald McKanna | Tagged , , | 2 Comments